A final Beach vacation

The 2020 season has had another dark cloud hanging over it, at least in and near the Carolinas. Before the racing season began, Myrtle Beach Speedway was the subject of rumors of its demise. Then during the coronavirus layoff, the death knell of the historic .538-mile oval was confirmed. By the end of the year – and possibly as early as right after the August 18 Sun Fun 101 race – the track will be sold and earmarked for demolition and development.

The two latest issues of Late Model Digest, found at the two links below, include pieces on the Myrtle Beach track. At least there is a positive spin, with the MBS owners taking over Florence Motor Speedway; frequent Florence race winner Jamey Lee has his thoughts in the issue completed this past Friday.

LMD 32-10 (7/03/20): online.pubhtml5.com/fpdm/ejkq/

LMD 32-11 (7/17/20): online.pubhtml5.com/fpdm/emta/

Anyway, the photo is from the lovely Porsha, during a 2014 visit over Independence Day weekend. Twin-50 Late Model Stock Car races were on tap, and this was the way things looked just after the first race. The storm came a few minutes later, and by then I had congratulated the winner Jeremy McDowell and gotten his phone number for a call later, then Porsha and I got the heck out of there. The bottom fell out about 15 seconds after we hustled into the Beef o’ Brady’s in a nearby shopping center.

Those of you who have been to MBS surely have stories that don’t involve rainouts, but this is definitely the coolest photo we’ve produced from there.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

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